Just beneath the Golden Tomb, spears and swords lay guard to an ancient relic wrapped in gold and jeweled with the purest of gems.  Legend has it that this relic is surrounded by riddle and trap; no being has ever been successful in retrieving it.  A few still search for this ancient rarity today.  When asked why, they state that “it calls to them”.  To this day, no one knows the true potential power harnessed within the Golden Scarab. 
-Nikisha Ryan

A personal project of mine, brainstormed with my Husband one day while driving home, to come up with a render that has a story behind it.  The Scarab was modeled by hand in Cinema 4D, then brought into a volume builder using random noise generated fields, textured from scratch and lit in Octane, and placed on a Quixel Rock scan that I altered the material and shape of. 
Special thanks to Billelis for sharing a preview of his Octane Material Nodes with me on a project of his that inspired this idea, and to Nikisha Ryan for writing up a caption to go with this image.

CGI - Modeled, Lit, Textured & Rendered in C4D + Octane
Retouching & Compositing
ASSETS - Quixel rock (altered)


A Different Perspective
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